
Babiana Odorata (rescued)

Babiana Odorata (rescued)

Hi Caroline

Love your blog, interesting and useful and so glad someone has done a cushion print of the magnificent, yet weirdly hidden gem of a flower, the winecup (geissorhiza radians). My wife and I have 2 HA small holding in Durbanville where it grows naturally and created a mini reserve around our dam for it (when we find some seeds) and its cousins (babiana odorata) which we have rescued from local ignorant municipal road edge grass cutters! Still trying to locate some seeds for it - let me know if you have.

If you are in Durbanville, pop in (we do real coffee too)!


Koinonia Farm

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Sep 06, 2022
Hello Andre
by: Caroline

We would love to visit Koinonia farm, perhaps even this Sunday, to see your winecups and perhaps meet you ! However, I struggle to find the location on google maps. If you can assist you can email me at
Thank you Andre.

Aug 28, 2022
Hello Andre
by: Caroline

Dear Andre

I am sorry to have taken so long to respond. I was working on a deadline and didn't have time to blog for ages.

I am so excited by what you are saying. I do not have access to Babiana seeds. I know only of Silverhill Seeds providing indigenous seeds, and someone in Knysna, which is genetically too far off. Otherwise we must talk to landowners in the Darling area, but preferably people much closer to you.

I was just going to write an article about doing conservation through interrupting the city's mowing strategies. I will link you to it in a further reply here and would appreciate your input and feedback as you have direct experience.

I would love to pop by and meet you some time. We live close by.

Have you heard of the initiative in Tygerberg area in Protea Valley / Welgemoed for creating stepping stone corridor gardens that the city may not mow ? They ran a bulb propagation workshop recently, have horticulturists, city biodiversity experts and botanists helping them and they have very recently helped assess parks for local initiatives in Goodwood, Plattekloof and Brackenfell. It would be so cool if they knew what you're doing and we could put this network of mini reserves and gardens on a biodiversity map.


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