Garden colours through the year 

It is wonderful to watch the garden colours change with the seasons. However the task of planning colour in the garden is a complex one, especially if the basic colours are going to change with the seasons.

I therefore decided to build albums of plant and flower colours month by month to learn more about the possibilities, seasonal timing and hopefully to help other gardeners in our climatic zone with ideas for planting.

I've grouped the colours roughly, because precise grouping is impossible as the plant and flower colours are on a continuous spectrum and its hard to determine a cutoff point between purple and red, or purple and blue, as an example. The rough groupings are:

The Garden Colours





warm reds and oranges


foliage colours 

I have been building and adding to these albums of flower, tree and ground cover colours through the past few months on another gardening website of mine which is more visual, with more space for photographs, and less textual than this one. You can click through to the page which lists all the colour albums I have already collected on my weebly website, by clicking on the link below. I have decided to pool my resources and start collecting the colour albums on this website you are on now. From now on the albums will be posted on this website, though at the moment the bulk are still on weebly. I will be posting some albums in the next few weeks, after this present introduction to the colour albums. These will be the first albums I'm making on this website, but in time I hope to complete the full seasonal cycle ranging month by month over many flower gardens, public spaces and waysides in my area and around Cape Town, and then add more and more plants as time goes by.

For more ideas on how to combine garden colours you can also view my pinterest page on gardening, the link is listed below featuring, in my opinion, some of the finest landscape artists in the world, like Gertrude Jekyll and Piet 

Oudolf. The pinterest collection will also allow you to connect to and follow some other landscape designers currently collecting pictures on pinterest. Its a fascinating and enriching way of increasing one's visual learning and visual literacy. 

If you get out of this visual exploration even just a fraction of what I have, you should have quite a lot of fun and pleasure. I wish you enjoyment. 


home page for links to many green issues and useful ideas

blue flowers colour album

vegetable gardening the natural and low cost way

weebly colour albums

pinterest gardening page

Restore Nature Newsletter 

I've been writing for four years now and I would love to hear from you

Please let me know if you have any questions, comments or stories to share on gardening, permaculture, regenerative agriculture, food forests, natural gardening, do nothing gardening, observations about pests and diseases, foraging, dealing with and using weeds constructively, composting and going offgrid.

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