Recycling fish poop with the help of plants

by Peppie

Hello Caroline,

thank you for the great work you are doing with your website. it is really a pleasure to come here and get inspired about the green lifestyle. I am a breeder of koi fish and gold fish for many years now and have always faced the problem to find a way to keep the water in my ponds and fish tanks clean for the fish. Like all us humans fish produce a lot of waste which they will add to the water they are living in. If this is not removed the feces will build up in the water till they turn it into a poisonous liquid that will kill the fish.

To avoid this build up of ammonia and nitrites in the water of my ponds I use large filters that are filled with a medium that can hold plants. The plants live inside the water and feed on the waste that the fish produce. This way they remove the poisonous compounds from the water and keep it clean for the fish.

Having the plants integrated with fish into the cycle with the same water is a win win situation. The fish can live in clean water, plants get food in the form of fish waste and the environment does not have to deal with fish waste from polluted water that needs to be replaced from time to time from the system.

Kind regards

Peppie Peppstock

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Oct 05, 2016
That is a win win situation for plants and fish !
by: Caroline

Dear Peppie

That is very interesting. Please keep me updated on your Fish Poop recycling and send me some photographs of the fish, ponds and plants


Aug 17, 2016
Thank you, you are on to something
by: Caroline

Dear Peppie

The little eco system you have created is highly productive. You do not specify if the plants are vegetables. It would be possible to raise vegetables in this system. At the moment it seems the fish are the raison d'etre and the plants serve to fulfill their requirements for clean water conditions. Please let me know when you start harvesting vegetables from the system. I would like to know how they taste and how well they grow !


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