by Lynn Greyling
(Pretoria, Gauteng, SA)
Hi, We've had a Tree tomato in the garden for many years. My second one died 2 yeas ago . I decided to propagate my own by placing washed seeds in a clear plastic tray ( like the one's the mince at Spar is sold in), on a moistened paper towel, covered them with the same, sprayed them with water and placed a lid, another clear plastic tray, on. I kept them in the house in the warmest room because I started this process at the beginning of winter, and kept them moist with a spray bottle. Definitely took +4 weeks to germinate. In spring I planted them in seed trays, and as they grew stronger, transferred them to 1 liter yoghurt containers. I had about 30 plants. Gave most to friends and kept 7. They got replanted into bigger containers and pots. This spring I planted them in the garden in semi - shade for frost protection. I'll have to see if they are going to get enough sun. Planting them in the open is risky in Pretoria, as they suffer badly from frost.
I would like to know what type of root system they have and whether they loose leaves in winter, i.o.w. are they deciduous? Because the frost has always killed most of the leaves in the past I couldn't observe whether they are evergreen or not.
Thanks for the info and looking forward to hearing from you.
Lynn Greyling.
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