Can a Carolina Reaper chili get tomato blight ?

by Ellie
(Cape Town)

is this tomato blight on a chili ?

is this tomato blight on a chili ?

Dear Caroline

I have something that looks like tomato blight on my chili plant. It is a Carolina Reaper. Is this possible ?


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Apr 27, 2017
yes, peppers can carry tomato blight
by: Caroline

Dear Ellie

First of all, regarding the taste of bugs for chilis with intimidating capsicon counts (the units that measure the burn in chilis), I forgot to say in response to your last message, that you will be surprised what animals are immune to chili burn, or even like it. Some species of warm blooded mammal such as mice for instance.

Can it be infected with tomato blight ?

Yes as far as I know, chilis are both carriers and sufferers with respect to tomato blight which can attack all members of the Solanaceae, necessitating, as a preventative measure, crop rotation in which non Solanaceous plants are put in the infected bed for at least four years. Its a bit difficult as our gardens in hot climes are full of Solanaceous vegetables, flowers and other plants, and even the proximity of one of the decorative Solanaceae can infect your vegetables. Please check out my page on the Solanaceae to familiarize yourself with the diverse members of this group so that you can take protect your crops. Here is the url

Kind regards and thank you for your frequent interest in this website !


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